Podcast Episode 34: Punk Rock for Everyone!!
May 25, 2012 |
This episode features five punk rock songs for you, but don't worry - these are punk rock songs that everyone can enjoy. The songs are "Deska" by 4get Me Not, "I Rule the World" by the Moguls, "Hey Kidz/Real Love" by GroundScore, "Do You Wanna Dance?" by Snitch, and "Perdicion" by La Chapuza.
Play MP3 (or right click to download)
Just a note for parents: there is a little bit of cussin' at the end of the 4th song, so watch out if you have little ones around.
- Deska by 4get Me Not
- I Rule the World by The Moguls
- Hey Kidz/Real Love by GroundScore
- Do You Wanna Dance? by Snitch
- Numskull - Mark's new band
- Perdicion by La Chapuza