About AI Use
I think it is important to be open about AI use, so here is how I use it. As I have said in the podcast, I occasionally use an AI when I don't have enough easily usable biographical information from the musicians. If I have a statement by the artists that follows my guidelines for writing a bio, then it is unlikely that I'll need to use an AI. However, when the musicians provide no information, a very small amount of information (like one sentence), or a huge amount of information, I will probably use an AI to help me come up with an introduction for their song. I gather all the information that I can find, paste it into the AI, along with a sample of a previous introduction that I wrote and the guidelines for writing a bio that I posted above, and ask it to generate an 8 to 10 sentence introduction. ChatGPT is only okay at this. Claude.ai is pretty good. I then check to make sure it is correct, add in tidbits that I think are important, like an upcoming tour or the release date for a new album, and replace any odd language. Because I focus heavily on quotes from the musicians, the AI mainly finds the good quotes and adds a sentence or two to link them. Of course, I check to make sure that the quotes really did come from the material that I found.
So, that's it. It is mainly just searching through a lot of text, finding the bits that seem most interesting, and linking them without using a lot of marketing language. No one would ever have gotten paid to do that work, so no one is losing their job over this. However, it is making my life easier.