Podcast Episode 19: The Last of the Saxophone Podcasts
October 21, 2011 |
This is the third and final episode in my series of podcasts dedicated to the saxophone. The songs featured in this episode are "Some Lipstick" by Anita Coats, "Back to the Start" by Disco's Out (Murder's In), "Yes, Mom, I Saxed" by Alexander Piterskiy, "Ix'mant'sikka Dub" by Malox, and "Ciudad Salvaje" by Distryto 13.
Play MP3 (or right click to download)
- Some Lipstick by Anita Coats
- Back To The Start by Disco's Out (Murder's In)
- Yes, Mom, I Saxed by Alexander Piterskiy
- YouTube Video for "Music for thoughts on the edge of a roof", the first track off of Alexander Piterskiy's album
- Alexander Piterskiy on Myspace
- Alexander Piterskiy on Last.fm
- Sergey Kuryokhin on Wikipedia
- Ixmantsikka Dub by Malox
- Ciudad Salvaje by Distryto 13